Danielle recently joined fellow financial planner, Daniel Wrenne, on his Finance for Physicians podcast. Take a listen to our chat and pick up a few ways to better understand and develop your relationship with money.
PS - you don't have to be a physician to benefit from this kind of check-up!
Topics Discussed:
Financial Literacy: Ability to use knowledge, skills to manage financial resources
Mental and Emotional Errors: Get in the way of ability to use knowledge/skills
Financial Flashpoints/Money Scripts: Experiences shape relationship w/ money
Financial Memories: Think about your past to identify your own money beliefs
Financial Half-truths: Problems and promises can be positive or negative
Financial Fears: Money is how you provide yourself food, shelter, and stay alive
Financial Patterns: Be aware of reasons you spend money based on behaviors
Awareness Exercises:
Intentionally notice, track, and document feelings via journaling
Make a counter-argument to push against your promises and beliefs
Create genogram/chart of your family’s financial history
Take money script inventory quiz
Gain clarity on your values
Financial Therapy: When to seek out help with money and relationships